Stop The Signs Not The Age: Defy Aging Using These Practices

Stop The Signs Not The Age: Defy Aging Using These Practices

In our present generation, aging is lead by a combination of environmental and genetic influences, especially the free-radical damage. Though aging is unavoidable, you can evade the rate of aging. It’s indeed never too late to take these steps below that will keep you fit and keep a youthful appearance.

Daily Activeness and Motivation

The levels of serotonin, the brain neurotransmitter which regulates mood, blood pressure, sleep, and appetite naturally deteriorate with age, usually resulting in anxiety, depression,  and thickening of the arteries. In this case, exercise is a great way to raise your serotonin level.

Hence, consider making a habit of a taking a brisk walk every day to maintain healthy arteries and reduce the feelings of fatigue and sadness.

Proper Skin Care

When you’re going to walk for a while under the sun, it is essential to protect your skin from excessive sunlight. You can wear protective gear such as caps or sunglasses, but you can also purchase those products with sunscreen.

More so, you can apply moisturizers, makeup lines, lotions, and some skincare products with SPF protection to prevent the harmful UV lights from damaging your skin. Some parts of your face may need more attention than others. The eyes, in particular, are the most noticeable and often hint at the earliest signs of aging so it’s best to invest in an anti-aging eye cream to keep your face looking plump and youthful. 

Practice Positive Outlook

Feeling good and having a positive attitude about yourself do some wonders to decrease aging and frailty as we age.

A study shows that adults with negative outlooks toward aging walked slower, and having worse cognitive skills a few years later compared with adults who consider aging more positively. Thus, stay positive and do all things that build your self-perception and confidence.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Too much stress can negatively affect our bodies and may lead to premature aging. But don’t worry, another way to reduce stress and avoid early aging is through meditation. In fact, a 10 or 15-minute concentration on breathing can help you to feel calm and mentally focused.

Also, meditation can reduce pain and boost the brain’s activity. In addition to that, you can find other ways to fight stress such as enrolling a class at the gym or committing with your to-do-list more efficiently.

Care for Your Hair

Another secret of defying aging is through proper hair care. Prevent early aging by making millet as part of your meal since millet is an excellent source of protein which is known to prevent hair loss.

Further, use argan oil and apply it to your hair and throughout your scalp. Doing this will coat the hair shaft, stimulate the circulation,  and restores texture and elasticity to your hair.

Choose to Stay Young

Research shows that some serious phase of aging happens at the cellular level.  Most of our lifestyle habits including sleep, exercise, nutrition, and stress management will enhance the ability of our body to repair the damaged cells that is inevitable as we get old.

The disease happens when we fail to keep our minds and bodies active. Admittedly, much of what you choose to do every day will not only prolong the span of your life but as well the overall quality of those passing years.


Let’s face the truth, we all want to stop aging and prevent its signs. But since we don’t have a pill that can take us back to young, follow those ways listed above to defy aging successfully.

Plus, with the right fitness tools from Deal Wiki, proper self-care, and having those positive views in life, you can eliminate stress away, and eventually resist the rate of aging.

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